Ready to learn all about Harry Potter World in London? Get ready for a mammoth of a post. Warner Bros Studio Tour in Leavesden aka Harry Potter World London has quickly become a must-visit destination for Harry Potter fans.
First things first, let’s get some misconceptions out of the way. There is no London Harry Potter Universal Studios, there is only the Warner Bros Studio Tour. If you’re looking for Universal Studios, London, then I’m afraid you will be disappointed!
When people think of a Harry Potter London theme park, they are also thinking of the Harry Potter Studio Tour.
Ok so now I’ve told you what Harry Potter world is not. What does it involve then?
The London Harry Potter Studio Tour invites you into the real studios where they made all the Harry Potter films and they’ve refashioned all our favourite props, costumes and sets into a glorious exhibition. It’s a Harry Potter experience like no other!
Keep on reading to find out why the Harry Potter Studio Tour London is a must for Potterheads…
Booking Harry Potter Tour Tickets
It appears that the initial rush to buy tickets is now over; however, I still recommend that you buy your Harry Potter Studio tickets about a month in advance if you want to get the perfect time for you. If you’re only available at the weekends then you definitely need to think about booking in advance because they weekend slots book up fast.
The booking itself is very simple. All you have to do is select the date and time you want to go on the tour, enter the number of each type of ticket you want and then checkout. There is also the option to add on some extras to your package.
You can pre-book a ‘Souvenir Guidebook’ and a ‘Digital Guide’, both of which supposedly enhance your experience. I opted for the ‘Souvenir Guidebook’, but not the ‘Digital Guide’, but in hindsight, I should have selected both.
The Souvenir Guidebook is a really nice booklet with glossy pages and big pictures. It is very well presented and serves as a lovely reminder of the things you’ve seen on your trip.
You don’t need to pre-order this book as it is also on sale at the gift shop at the Studios for exactly the same price. It is a bit pricey at £9.95, but for Potterheads it is well worth it.
As far as I could tell (from jealously peering over people’s shoulders), the Digital Guide was basically a device that looked a lot like an iPod touch that had extra snippets of information and videos on it. This costs around £4.95, though you do not get to keep it so it’s not entirely necessary.
Ticket Prices
Standard Adult: £43
Child: £35 (Under 4 years old: Free)
Opening Hours
8:30am – 10pm every day
However, there are often private events at the Studios so please do double-check for your selected day.
Purchase your Harry Potter Studio Tickets directly here.

How to Get to the Harry Potter Studios London
By Car
The Harry Potter Studio Tour, aka Harry Potter World in London, is located at Leavesden Studios in Watford. Fortunately, I actually live quite close to this so it didn’t take me long at all to reach there and with the help of a SatNav, it’s fairly easy to locate.
One problem I did encounter once I was a couple of minutes away from the Studios, was that the signs on the motorway were incredibly confusing. There was one pointing to ‘Warner Bros. Tour’ and one to ‘Leavesden Studios’.
As far as I knew, Warner Bros. Studio Tour was located at Leavesden Studios so I got very confused as to why the signs were pointing in different directions.
I decided to follow the sign that pointed towards ‘Warner Bros Tour’, though this actually led me in a pretty big circle which was unnecessary, so I’d suggest following the sign to ‘Leavesden Studios’, which I assume will take you on a shorter route.
I highly recommend that when you see these signs coming up, you simply look out your window to spot the Studio and follow the road that leads to it (you won’t miss it, there are absolutely huge Harry Potter posters all over the buildings).
You will need to show your ticket in order to gain entrance and then you will be directed to a parking space (parking is free!). The car park is huge so I wouldn’t worry about not finding a space, though my tour was the last tour of the day so the Studios were probably slightly less packed.
By Public Transport
The closest train station to the Harry Potter Studios is Watford Junction. You can very easily get a train here from London Euston. Once you get to Watford, there’s a shuttle bus service right outside the station that takes you to and from the studios.
This costs £2.50 for a return and £2 for single. You won’t miss the buses – they’re designed to look like the Knight Bus!
NB You should arrive at least 20 minutes before your scheduled ticket time so do factor this in when making travel arrangements.
Find out more about getting to the studios here.

The Harry Potter Experience
What to see at the Harry Potter Studios
The tour starts from the very second you hand your ticket over and join the queue. Whilst you’re awaiting entry you will pass Harry’s cupboard under the stairs – toy soldiers included – and many quotes from various people lining the walls to get you excited.
First, you are led into a dark room with lots of screens and you are shown a quick film about Potter’s history. My emotional rollercoaster started here as I was filled with fond, childhood memories.
You can imagine my shock then, when I revisited the tour in 2019 to find that they had updated this video. And I was in one of the clips. I am in one of the clips!
It’s a video of me waving enthusiastically on the side of the red carpet in Trafalgar Square for the eighth and final Harry Potter film. I skipped school that day and slept on the pavement the evening before to get that top spot and it was totally worth it.
After this brief introduction, you are led into another room with a bigger screen, much like a cinema, and played another video. (This is usually the bit where I cry. Yes, already.) It’s a super short film that goes through the crucial bits of all eight Harry Potter films.
There are interviews with the cast, the crew, the directors, the author herself and lots of behind the scenes footage. When the film is over, a grand set of doors is magically revealed and the Great Hall lies in wait.
Everybody gasps at this point.
The Great Hall is incredibly detailed and there are lots of costumes on display here, including Harry’s very first uniform. There is a speaker for this part of the tour who gives an introduction to the tour and tells you all the interesting facts about the Great Hall – like the fact that the floor is made out of real paving stones.
The Great Hall is modelled on the dining hall at Christ Church college in Oxford (where I studied!). Check out my Harry Potter tour of Oxford for more information on visiting the real life Great Hall!

After this, the tour is self-guided and you are left to explore the rest of the tour in your own time. Some parts of the tour display props and costumes and others are the real sets.
There is a spectacular show of the vehicles and bigger props used in the films and they are shown (moving) hanging from the ceiling next to a large screen. On here they show you exactly how this prop was used in the film and how special effects were used to make it realistic.
This video shows you the extraordinary number of special effects that went into making these films. They even showed you how in one scene, Daniel Radcliffe was filmed walking on a treadmill in front of a green screen, but on film, this was magically transformed into Harry walking through the snow at Godric’s Hollow. It is absolutely incredible to see the transition from what was actually filmed and what we see on screen.
In this section, some of the things you can see include The Burrow, the Gryffindor Common Room, Snape’s classrooms, the Boy’s Dormitory, Dumbledore’s Office, Umbridge’s Office, the Ministry of Magic, the fireplaces at the Ministry, Hagrid’s Hut, the Griffin Stairwell, the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets, Gringott’s Vault Door, the Forbidden Forest and some others.

They’ve even recreated Platform 9 3/4 so you can see The Hogwarts Express in all its glory on the train track and even have a little walk through it! There are also lots of different photos points of the trolley going through the wall to access Platform 9 3/4 so you can pretend like you’re off to Hogwarts yourself.
You then get the chance to experience the magic of riding the Hogwarts Express as they’ve created a Hogwarts Express simulation where you can have your photo taken inside a replica carriage. After your photo is taken, you’ll go a little adventure with lots of effects so it feels like you’re actually on a moving train.
You sit in one of the carriages and see the world float by outside the window and it’s lovely until the dementors show up! This is all filmed and there is a voice-over telling you what to do to make this part all the more fun.
Throughout this space, there are displays of props including the Philosopher’s Stone, the Triwizard Cup, the golden snitch, the Goblet of Fire, the time turner and more.
There is also a fantastic costume display to accompany each set and you can see clothes from all of the movies and see how the characters have grown!

Lastly, there is a stunning display of all the graphic designs and posters used for things like The Daily Prophet, the Quibbler, sweet packages etc.
When you’ve finished looking around the first building, about half way through the tour, the tour continues outside. Here you’ll find the Knightbus, Godric’s Hollow, the Ford Anglia, Hagrid’s Bike, chess pieces from the Philosopher’s Stone, Hogwart’s Bridge and of course, Number 4 Privet Drive.
This part of the tour is great because you can actually get up close and touch all of these things. You can sit on Hagrid’s bike, get inside the Ford Anglia, stand in the Knight Bus and knock on the door of number 4 Privet Drive. This outside area presents another great photo opportunity so don’t think that the weather doesn’t matter when picking which day to book your tour!

Possibly the most exciting thing about this section of the tour is the opportunity to buy Butterbeer. A lot of people don’t like this concoction but personally, I love it. It’s really sweet and fizzy with a thick layer of sweet cream on top – exactly as I’d imagined.
Each cup costs around £2.95, and although it isn’t large, it’s definitely worth it! It even leaves you with that white moustache on your upper lip that is so often talked about. Now, they ever have butterbeer ice cream and you can buy a plastic Butterbeer tankard to keep.
The second part of the studio tour is a lot more about what went into making the films rather than the sets and props. Here you will find an amazing array of every single creature featured in the films and how they were made.
You will be disappointed to hear that in fact only the head of the basilisk was made. You can see each and every one goblin/house elf mask – they do look pretty grim – and how each of these were made and fitted the actors.

After the ‘Creature Shop’, you are lead to another breathtaking part of the tour – Diagon Alley. I did not expect Diagon Alley to be, well, a real Alley! Each and every shop is properly decorated with detail with shop displays and it looks like a real street!
All the shops from the film are here, though it is a lot more compact, and you feel as if you could actually just go shopping for a new owl or a new set of robes!
The very last room of the tour is the most spectacular of them all. It had been a highly emotional visit for me so when I rounded the corner to see the 1:24 model of Hogwarts Castle, I was completely overwhelmed.
It was the most beautiful and amazing creation I had ever seen and I was blown away by the detail that went into it. Everything was perfectly handcrafted to scale and real gravel and plants were used to for the landscaping.
There are more than 300 fibre optic lights installed and these stimulate torches and lanterns to give the illusion of students walking down the hallways. It is the crown jewel of the Harry Potter art department – which isn’t surprising given that it took a team of 86 people to construct the first version.
Footage of this model was combined with special effects to create the incredibly realistic views of Hogwarts exterior which I had always believed to be comprised of real castles. This was a phenomenal end to the tour and was definitely the most memorable moment for me.

What to do at the Harry Potter Studios
There is an absolutely fantastic photo opportunity to be had during the Studio Tour where you are given the chance to ride a broomstick. Using CGI and green screen effects, they make it look like you are actually flying and it is absolutely incredible.
Firstly, you are given a set of Hogwarts robes from your chosen house, and then you wait in line for your turn. There are a total of three broomsticks there so the waiting time isn’t too long.
When I joined the queue, it said that the waiting time ‘from this point onwards’ was 45 minutes, and I wasn’t too fussed about this because I was determined to get on that broom, but thankfully, it didn’t take nearly as long as that.
When it is your turn, a staff member talks you through everything. You make yourself comfortable on the broom, and then the magic begins.
Now, this isn’t just any photo opportunity, because before your photo is taken, you get the chance to see yourself fly over London and Hogwarts. There is a small screen in front of you so it looks like you’re actually moving and the broom itself isn’t fixed so you can swerve from side to side and bob up and down.
The member of staff attending to you will make sure you get the most out of your experience by giving you a few things to do whilst on your broom. When your ‘flying’ experience is over, there are a few quick snaps and then it’s off to the counter to collect your photos.
There are four different photos to choose from: hovering over Hogwarts, flying in front of some buses in London, flying along the Thames and flying along the water surrounding Hogwarts – the favourite of most people seems to be the one hovering above Hogwarts.
There is also the opportunity to have your photo taken inside the Ford Anglia and you can watch yourself ‘driving’ it through the air. This photo is great for families as you take the photo with as many people as you can fit into the frame.
If you’re feeling particularly evil on the day of your visit, you could also choose to have your photo taken as a prisoner in Azkaban and it’ll be printed onto a WANTED poster.
These photos aren’t exactly cheap, but they are definitely worth it. It’s £14 for one photo, which comes in a lovely, glossy, paper frame (just like the sort you’d get at a theme park – but better, obviously). Alternatively, there are lots of digital options so you can get two photos and a DVD/USB for £40.

The Harry Potter Tour Gift Shop
Words cannot even begin to describe my excitement upon entering the Harry Potter Studio Tour gift shop. So I was always one of those children that spent the entire day out pushing and pulling my parents through the exhibitions just to get to the gift shop, but I guarantee that you will be blown away by it.
There is a huge range of Potter products on offer, but I won’t deceive you, they don’t come cheap. If I had it my way I would’ve bought EVERYTHING in the shop, though of course, my mother did not allow this and so I opted for a Potter t-shirt (£32.95) and Hogwarts scarf (£24.95).
It is a very large shop and products range from sweets to keyrings to clothing to stuffed toys to wall paintings to jewellery to uniform to notepads to magnets to books to wands to replica costumes – and more!
It is literally my favourite shop in the whole entire world and if I could I would go there every day I would. Unfortunately, you can only get to gift shop after you’ve shown your ticket proving that you’re actually there for the Tour (sad face). The queue in the gift shop is enormously long at times so I recommend you keep wandering around until it’s less busy.

I could say more, but I think that I’ve waffled on for long enough! The Warner Bros Harry Potter Tour is essential for all Harry Potter fans, and even those who aren’t massive Potterheads will definitely enjoy a day out at Leavesden.
Not only does it provide an incredible insight into a worldwide Phenomenon but you get to witness first hand the immense amount of detail that went into making these films.
You can see the sets the cast walked on, the costumes they wore and the props they used. There is a lot of behind the scenes footage and information so don’t think that this is just a display of what you’ve already seen or read online – because it’s so much more.
All along the tour, there is the Harry Potter soundtrack playing in the background enhancing the atmosphere and making everything feel that much better. Do bear in mind that whilst the Tour is absolutely incredible, there will inevitably be a sense of disappointment as you finally realise that the magic isn’t real and Hogwarts doesn’t exist.
On a side note, as I was casually scrolling down my Facebook news feed after I’d returned home, I discovered a photo of Matt Lewis (Neville Longbottom) from the very same day. WHY DID I NOT SEE HIM?! WHY. Ok, outburst over.
But seriously, why.
If you’ve visited the Harry Potter Studios yourself, leave a comment telling me your favourite part!
Like this post? Check out my other Harry Potter blog posts!
Guide to Harry Potter in London
Guide to Warner Bros Studio Tour Hollywood
The Cauldron: Harry Potter Cocktail Experience in London
Hogwarts in the Snow at Harry Potter Studio Tour
Guide to Harry Potter in Lacock
Harry Potter Filming Locations in Oxford
Godric’s Hollow Filming Location
Why the Prisoner of Azkaban is the Best in the Series
What’s in my Backpack: Hogwarts Edition
Pin now, read again later!

Founder & Editor of What’s Hot?
[This post was originally published when the Harry Potter Studio Tour first opened in 2012 but has been updated in 2020.]
Wednesday 2nd of August 2023
Thanks for writing this awesome article!!! I've thought the entire tour is held indoors, so hope it doesn't rain during the outdoor portion of our tour in early Oct.
For the bloom and Ford Anglia photos, do we pay upfront before joining the queue or can we take the photos first, see how they turn out before deciding to pay for them??
Wednesday 3rd of May 2023
I just read your blog post about the Harry Potter Warner Bros Studio Tour in London and I have to say that it was a fantastic read! As a big Harry Potter fan myself, I could really relate to your excitement and enthusiasm for the tour.
I loved the way you described your experience, from the moment you arrived at the studios to the different sets and exhibits you saw along the way. Your attention to detail and vivid descriptions really helped to transport me to the world of Harry Potter.
I also appreciated the practical advice you provided for visitors, such as the importance of booking tickets in advance and wearing comfortable shoes. It's clear that you are not only a fan of the series, but also an experienced traveler who knows how to make the most of a visit to a new place.
Overall, I thought your blog post was a great resource for anyone planning a trip to the Harry Potter Warner Bros Studio Tour, as well as for those who simply want to learn more about the magic behind the movies. Thanks for sharing your experience with us!
Ultimate Guide for fun things to do in London with kids - Home Travel Guide
Thursday 27th of January 2022
[…] The Harry Potter Studio Tour is based in Watford, just outside of London. If your children are Harry Potter fans, this place is an absolute dream. The vast majority of scenes from the 8 Harry Potter films were shot in these studios and you can now wander around these sets and learn all about how they made the magic come to life. What’s particularly great for children is that there are lots of elements to really immerse yourself in the world of Harry Potter – you can ride a broomstick, sit in an old Ford Anglia, drink butterbeer (non-alcoholic, of course!), meet Buckbeak in the Forbidden Forest, walk down Diagon Alley, and more! […]
Friday 23rd of April 2021
How much time, from early arrival to departure, do you recommend I plan to spend there? Flying broom, prisoner of Azkaban photos, butter beer and gift shop time included?
Wednesday 9th of January 2019
I have to visit that it looks really cool and fun!!
Thursday 10th of January 2019
Honestly one of my all time favourite places!